Tentakulum Painters Threads Shopping
Discover our dealers and distribution partners who carry the exclusive Tentakulum Painters Threads!
Immerse yourself in the world of high-quality embroidery threads and discover a diverse selection of colors and qualities for your embroidery projects at our partners.
Find out now where you can buy these first-class threads in your area.
Private customers
Germany | Tentakulum Painters Threads | hota@housetextilearts.eu |
Germany | Atelier farbtexte | br-friedmann@t-online.de |
Germany | Der Stickspeicher | kirsten-stickwelt@gmx.de |
Germany | Die Filzlaus | info@diefilzlaus.de |
Germany | Sticken und Gestalten | stickenundgestalten@web.de |
Germany | Stickatelier | verrim@freenet.de |
France | Une Aiguille dans les Livres | uneaiguilledansleslivres@sfr.fr |
France | Dame de la forêt | damedelaforet@outlook.fr |
GreatBritain | Fobbles | sales@fobbles.co.uk |
GreatBritain | LoveCrafts | alison@loveknitting.com |
The Netherlands | Heikina Ruijter | bestelling@heikina.nl |
The Netherlands | Aztec Rose Crea | bestelling@heikina.nl |
The Netherlands | Batts and Threads | arettaheuff@gmail.com |
The Netherlands | Atelier Viltkamer | karenbruinsma1@gmail.com |
Switzerland | Cotton &Color | goods@cotton-color.com |
Sole import for USA:
Please contact Jane for a list of stores selling Tentakulum Painters Threads in the USA.
Sole import for Canada:
The Needle and Thread Emporium
Please contact Barb for a list of stores selling Tentakulum Painters Threads in Canada.
South Korea:
Needle Art House
Please contact Seungwan Han for a list of stores selling Tentakulum Painters Threads in Southeast Asia.
Dealer inquiries
House of Textile Arts
Please contact Bärbel
Sole import for USA:
Please contact Jane to open a dealer account
Sole import for Canada:
Please contact Barb to open a merchant account
South Korea:
Needle Art House
Please contact Seungwan Han to open a dealer account